I counsel you create a Service/Fast Motion for Finder and use a shortcut as an alternative. It would examine the at present chosen information and add them to your laptop in a comma-separated values (CSV) file. Everytime you press the shortcut, it can depend the chosen information, replace the .csv, and append the filenames to the log. Lastly, you desire a notification that will help you examine if the method is working. Some error dealing with can be suggested.
To create a Service that runs this script:
- Open Automator and create a brand new Service or Fast Motion.
- Set the service to obtain ‘no enter’ in ‘Finder.’
- Add a ‘Run AppleScript’ motion and paste the script into it.
- Save the service and assign a shortcut to it via System Preferences >
Keyboard > Shortcuts > Providers.
Replace the primary line with the username and path you want to use:
property csvPath : "Macintosh HD:Customers:Username:Desktop:file_log.csv" -- Replace with the precise path to your CSV file
on run
-- Attempt to get the chosen information from Finder
inform software "Finder"
set selectedFiles to choice as alias listing
if (depend selectedFiles) ≤ 0 then
show notification "No information chosen." with title "Error"
finish if
on error
show notification "Error accessing chosen information in Finder."
finish strive
finish inform
-- Initialize the listing of logged information and complete depend
set loggedFiles to {}
set totalCount to 0
-- Try to learn current CSV information and depend
set fileRef to open for entry file csvPath
set eofPosition to get eof fileRef
if eofPosition > 0 then
set fileContents to learn fileRef
set loggedFiles to paragraphs of fileContents
set totalCount to depend of loggedFiles
finish if
shut entry fileRef
on error errMsg quantity errNum
-- Deal with particular file errors
shut entry fileRef -- Guarantee file is closed after error
if errNum is -43 then -- File not discovered
-- No file discovered, proceed as if it is a new log
show dialog "Error studying from CSV file: " & errMsg
finish if
finish strive
-- Verify every chosen file towards logged information
set newFiles to {}
repeat with aFile in selectedFiles
-- Convert the Finder choice to a file alias and get its identify
set filePath to POSIX path of (aFile as textual content)
inform software "System Occasions"
set fileName to call of disk merchandise filePath
finish inform
-- Verify if the file is already logged
set finish of newFiles to fileName
set totalCount to totalCount + 1 -- Increment complete depend for every new file
on error errMsg quantity errNum
show dialog "Error processing a file: " & errMsg & " (Error Quantity: " & errNum & ")"
finish strive
finish repeat
-- Replace the CSV file with the brand new information
if (depend newFiles) > 0 then
set fileRef to open for entry file csvPath with write permission
-- Transfer to finish of file to append as an alternative of overwriting
set eof of fileRef to (get eof fileRef)
repeat with aFile in newFiles
write aFile & return to fileRef beginning at eof
finish repeat
shut entry fileRef
on error errMsg
show dialog "Error updating file: " & errMsg
finish strive
finish if
-- Notify the consumer of completion with the up to date complete depend
show notification "Added " & (depend of newFiles) & " new information. Complete information: " & totalCount with title "Replace Full"
finish run
Earlier than working the Service, you could allow Privateness and Safety entry. Embrace Finder, Automator and no matter different functions you might be utilizing. Additionally, ensure you have writing permissions for the CSV.